KW Materials Handling has the widest selection and availability of new and used stacking racks, wire mesh baskets, automotive bins and containers. We can design and supply a portable stacking rack to handle nearly any product you can't store on pallet racking. We have access to the largest network of dealers in North America for used stacking racks and containers.

Stacking racks are a versatile, portable, stackable storage system. Their size and capacity can be tailored to fit virtually any product. You can save valueable floor space because you can eliminate aisles and when they are not in use, simply remove the posts to stack them densely in one footprint.
Containers, bins and wire baskets are the preferred method of storing parts for the automotive, stamping and construction industry. We have the largest selection available which includes
- GM5131 containers ( wire mesh and solid ) 54" x 44" x 40"high
- Plastic bulk boxes 48" x 45" x 34"high
- Standard wire mesh baskets 34.5" x 40.5" x 29"high
- Ford ZE-13 wire containers 53" x 48" x 38"high
- Perforated solid steel containers 48" x 36" x 34" high